Free Fire will relaunch on September 16, 2023 as “Free Fire India,” asGarena has officially confirmed. However, a year after the ban, on August 25th, Free Fire’s newly appointed PR agency unintentionally disclosed the potential return of the game. A mistake resulted in the inadvertent sharing of this unannounced information, and it surfaced for a while.
However, a year after the ban, on August 25th, Free Fire’s newly appointed PR agency unintentionally disclosed the potential return of the game. A mistake resulted in the inadvertent sharing of this unannounced information, and it surfaced for a while.
Despite their efforts to retract the email, the original tweet from the Twitter user who had posted it was subsequently deleted. This incident further solidified the notion that the game’s reentry was drawing near, and finally, without much of a delay, we got the official announcement.
MS Dhoni is ambassador and big plans for Indian Esports
As a part of the announcement, Garena has also introduced Indian cricket icon and World Cup-winning captain MS Dhoni as the new brand ambassador for Free Fire India. He will also be showcased in-game as a playable character named Thala, the nickname for him.
Dhoni will be accompanied by other prominent sports figures, including football captain Sunil Chhetri, badminton champion Saina Nehwal, tennis legend Leander Paes, and Kabaddi champion Rahul Chaudhari, with the plans on them arriving as characters left unannounced.
Also, Garena revealed that the Free Fire India Championship (FFIC) will occur later this month. Teams from all over India can participate, with the victor gaining a chance to represent India at the Free Fire World Series in Thailand this November. More details about FFIC and other esports initiatives dedicated to Free Fire India will be shared in the upcoming weeks.